viewing XML

i often use RSS feeds to DL mp3s. i am not "subscribing", i am not using some player app, i am simply LOOKING at them and DLing the links by hand.

for a year or two now such links have been a mess in firefox and chrome. a line up top "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below", followed by the markup page itself, with all the text run-on and all the bracketed commands visible.

it is still POSSIBLE to pluck out the links and read their captions, but it is not at all easy. meanwhile IE has everything well-formatted, and it's obvious with even a quick glance which link goes with which caption. so i use IE. (the ONLY thing i use IE for any more....)

alas, but the last few days i am getting "cannot display this feed" in IE. not the markup-looking mess of FF/chrome; simply a 404-like blank page.

i dunno if it's on my end, on their end (same msg from EVERY rss), or just b/c i don't have enuf space or something. i haven't changed or updated browsers lately, so the sudden failure is puzzling.

help! at the very least, i need to get them back in IE. but, rly, i'd ideally like to get them displaying correctly in FF and chrome again.

here's a concrete example to have a look at:


(first redirs to the second, which may be some other issue, but no matter. i'll be happy if i can get browsers to display EITHER version)

FF: mess

chrome: mess

IE: "cannot display"