Tana and Riley Wash a Car of the Day

Here’s a very important video of one of the top Youtubers, who annoys the fuck out of me anytime I see her horse face, deep voiced, annoying laugh videos….where she tells bullshit stories about being a Vegas sugar baby, wo is now a rich as shit LA scenester thanks to all the young people who buy into the contrived, lame, attention seeking YOUTUBE storylines like it’s a reality Tv show…and I guess it is in ways…since these idiots are just documenting themselves and cashing in….

But anyway, Tana Mongeau, who’s claim to fame was being used by Bella Thorne for Bella to get into that Youtube world where the kids are, and dominate because she’s an actual celebrity…..does an ONLYFANS premium content cash grab…and obviously…she partners up with social media whore porn chicks…like Riley Reid, who may be the biggest name in Porn, not that that really requires much effort, I mean…it’s porn…you can get famous doing porn….even nasty pig looking bitches pull it off…the hot girls still avoid doing porn…even if more and more are starting as porn gets more and more normalized…and I really have no hate for any of these sluts…they are raising the bar, setting the tone, starting the trend for all these other girls who would have NEVER done anything like this 20 years ago, to go hardcore…fame is addictive and naked is the easy way for fame to happen.

So…in being clickbait, they make this content idiots potentially pay for together and this is that video…if you like it…you can go give them your money…if you don’t,…you can give me your money…but you won’t…you never do…you asshole.

I don’t know, premium content starring a porn chick, should have some porn in it, but Tana being mainstream is playing it safe while pretending to be hard, cuz she’s getting idiots paying her to do this and all these idiots care about is money….cuz they are nasty.

Washing a car when you’re two rugged bitches is not an interesting concept, even if these money hungry idiots make stupid amounts of money from idiots doing it….there’s no accounting for taste or quality you know…these girls don’t even know what they are doing…I’ve seen HOT bikini car washes and I’ve seen ugly girls doing bikini car washes and all bikini car washes are better than this BTS for the inside perspective like you’re their with them….we don’t need to be there with them….do better you lazy ass pigs.

The post Tana and Riley Wash a Car of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.