On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off is a great way to end the week, even though I have posts lined up for the weekend but getting on the computer on the weekend is an idiotic concept….but a brilliant concept is the on/off side by side….

I like to know what girls look like clothed and naked in one shoteven if all the girls uploading pics to the internet, even your mom, are photoshopping their shit..but I believe in the lie, since internet is life bro….especially when you know what these girls look like in person now that they are all jacking up their faces to look like their instagram photoshopped pics because they know the internet is a more important place for them amongst strangers than that whole real life thing….

The nice thing about on/off is that some girls look better clothed than nude and vice versa because life is unpredictable like that. It’s a roll of the dice man.

flasher fridays