Jordyn Jones Lingerie of the Day

Jordyn Jones Lingerie

Jordyn Jones is some white trash reality TV star bullshit that came out of Kalamazoo Michigan where her father died drunk, which is the best way to die, whether you’re white trash or not, it’s one of those things we should all aspire to hafve happen to us…and not just because it gives our little white trash baby the daddy issues the world needs as she tries to fill the void of not having a daddy with male attention from the internet…

Anyway, when she was a kid, her mom brought her to a child dance show, where as a child Jordyn did provocative dances for TV and the Internet in something that should be BANNED…and not because I think everyone in the world is a predator…I actually think society made us not trust our peers and neighbors on purpose to kill any sense of family, community, neighborhood…but that’s a whole other can of bullshit that we don’t need to go into….the fact is that NOT everyone is into kids dancing on TV, besides the weirdos who produce the show, the networks that air the show, and the people who should be flagged watching the clips on YOUTUBE…it’s weird but her mom had a dream and figured anything to get them out of KALAMAZOO…

She now has a ton of followers, is no longer a kid, and makes extra money selling access to her “FOR FRIENDS” Instagram story, whcih is basically not for friends, but a premium service to monetize exclusive content on instagram…and I guess part of what she does for friends is posing in lingerie…

Take it in, she’s got that youth and dance body on her side, but she’s still trash from Kalamazoo Michigan and will end up looking like a typical walmart shoper soon enough…I mean assuming she doesn’t dive fully into sex work…

Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie

Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie
Jordyn Jones Lingerie


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