Ireland Baldwin Tits of the Day

After all these years, I think I finally know what Alec Baldwin feels…sheer and utter disappointment in Ireland Baldwin…..I thought I knew what Alec Baldwin feels back when I saw Beetlejuice for the first time, but today I actually know what he feels because as a broken down rich kid with a famous dad who famously called her a pig, who was quick to Instagram influencing only to lose her mind and end up in rehab while her shitty cousin who believes in Jesus got famous, married a popstar, became that influence all while Ireland was out getting satanic tattoos….to really prove how many layers to her personality she had and none of those layers were VAPID rich kid….this should be her inserting things in her buuthole..and at Ireland’s heigh of 7 feet tall….that’d be a big butthole…one I’d feel at home with…but no, Ireland wants me homeless.


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