Hailee Steinfeld Dirt Fetish of the Day

A dirt fetish to one person, is a mud fetish to another person, but to most people, it’s the closest you’ll get to Hailee Steinfeld partaking in scat….y

The Germans and the Japanese who invented Scat porn know….as do fecal fetishists everywhere…even those who have weaker livers and pancreases and gall bladders and IBS who prefer their feces to be more yellowish/green….will accept this very dark and chocolaty brown as a stand in for their fetish because when else will you ever see Steinfeld in a tub covered in anything that remotely looks like poo. It just won’t happen, but this happened, so enjoy it even if you don’t get to smell it, which I am sure is part of the allure of a fecal fetish…not that I am into shit, I am one of those people who pretends I don’t shit, who assumes women don’t shit, because I guess I had a traumatic relationship with shitting as a child that I’ve carried into my adulthood, one that would never make me think of shit in a sexual way, not even when it’s on my dick during anal…poop is gross…

Anyway, here’s some Steinfeld in what could be a casting event, you know like those influencers who fly private to Dubai to get shit on by rich men….or just some selfcare or a BTS from her movie….but even covered in shit…girl looks good…


The post Hailee Steinfeld Dirt Fetish of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.