Avril Lavigne Sex Toy Face of the Day

I am pretty fucking sure that I didn’t find Avril Lavigne hot when she was coming up, because she wasn’t hot….at all….

I am from Canada so I remember her big break and had to deal with her videos on repeat during an era when we didn’t have high speed internet and instead had to jerk off to music videos….her music videos was not one that was jerked off to.

There’s something about a girl, dressed like a boy, who shops at cheesy mall stores to get that skater punk look, who makes music that is just terrible….not skater punk at all…but this weirdo pop music I never understood.

I was also into skateboarding before Tony Hawk Pro skater and skater punk before Blink 182….so when she popped up it was a slaughter of a subculture…at least at the time because there was such thing as a subculture and the mainstream’s take on it was always bullshit…

She proved how lame she was when marrying Nickelback, I mean…clearly the bitch is mental…no one likes Nickelback, not even Nickelback, you know Chad goes to bed each night on his pile of money wondering how the fuck he made it….

Now she’s dating Bella Thorne’s ex – the slimy looking dude called MODSUN that is either some LA rich kid or just. some mooch who played weirdo to get into the lives of the mainstream and confused looking to be surrounded by weirdos…

I guess he’s opening new doors for her as she nears 40 years old…by gifting her vibrators…assuming she doesn’t have vibrators…cuz she’s acting like a 15 year old who found her mom’s vibrator…but in an era of everyone fucking themselves I doubt it’s her first….it’s just her trying to find new life and a new subculture of perverts on the internet to have another go at this celebrity thing…

So yeah…not so hot Avril in a midlife crisis reminding you all that she’s into cumming like everyone fucking else in the world….


The post Avril Lavigne Sex Toy Face of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com.